
An Apology and a Confession

This is my apology for not coming online as often as I  used to. If my cousin ScathachTheShadow, who comes online everyday without fail didn't tell you, here it is:

The scoop is that I was unable to come online because of studying for an upcoming test. I was also banned from animal jam for two weeks because my grades were slipping and parents decided to do something about it because after school, instead of studying, I'd usually go onto AJ for hours. I should've come online on Sunday April 1st, but i couldn't because my ban had been extended to an extra week. I also heard from certain sources which I have left unnamed, that many of my buddies deleted me just because I did not come online as frequently as i used to. It wasn't my fault, and I couldn't persuade my parents to let me go on until today. My ban actually ends tomorrow.
Please don't delete me if you didn't already. I can't control when or how long i come online but you should be happy that I still do! I mean, there's one of my now-former buddies with whom I was quite close, and at the end of March formed a blog. I don't know when or what day he/she (I'm not giving any hints about who it was) deleted me, but I certainly know why. the same sources informed me that the person deleted me just because i couldn't come online. However, later on when i asked the source about the details, the source told me that the Jammer, after the source told them why I couldn't come online, the unnamed Jammer replied, " Oh,  DX." 
DX is a makeshift emoticon which represents 'sad' or ' crying'. I am glad that the jammer still cares about me, and that I was his/her former friend, but I have had many buddies who weren't even as close as that one friend who haven't even deleted me since I became their friend, even when I didn't go online for about 4 months straight around the 2010 to 2011 period. 
Guys, please believe me, my story IS true. If you don't want to be my buddy anymore, that's fine with me but please do not unbuddy me just because of something i could not control. Once again, I'm sorry if I have hurt, humiliated or saddened anyone by this small paragraph. Thanks to all those good buddies who were still faithful to me. i guess that's all for now. see you on Aj.


  1. I'm so glad that you're back Daisy!! I missed you, and I was wondering what was going on!! It's bad that you couldn't come on, but at least now your grades will be better, so more AJ time for you!! :D
    Once again, glad you're back, and HAPPY EASTER! ;)

  2. Happy Easter Snowdog!!! thanks so much 4 being there when i needed u the most. Ur the best friend ever!! Hapyy easter!!!!~ daisy :)
