
Summer Carnival and Updates!

Bonjour, Jammers! I don't know why, but I feel Frenchy today. So, I'll be saying some things in French. 
First of all, this is what the new newspaper looks like:
Click To Enlarge
Page one of the Jamaa Journal, Volume 62.
As you can see, Hummingbirds are here! unfortunately, only those with gift cards can access them.

Yes Jammers, here it is. The Summer carnival is here at last. Scroll down to find out more.

There is a contest for a new pet! All entries are due by June 17th. Good luck, Jammers!

Penguins will soon be available to everyone, Members and Non-Members alike. Yay! So glad they made it a land/water animal, so now N-ms' don't have only the seal anymore. I'd advise members to recycle or don't bother to buy a penguin at all, because when your membership expires, you will still be able to get it.

The Jammer Journal's usual page of 'rares'.
Eh, it's basically telling you about the most popular rares of the week
 (Yeah, right. Since when was AJHQ a pro in that?). 
They say New Year's Party Hats and Rare Chicken hats are in. Okay then AJ.....

Last page. In honor of the new hummingbirds, AJ will have a celebration celebrating pets. Check the Daily Explorer to find out more:

Anyways, here's my day so far:
I logged onto Animal Jam and got 500 x 3 gems on my gem bonus today! :D 
I found out that......
So awesome!! /)^o^(\

Here are some snapshots from the Summer Carnival:

I made a candy floss with three colors. :D
Here's a picture of the game Candy Catch

A picture of the game Phantom Ball

The time I earned 229 tickets in one game!! 
A picture of Whack-a-Phantom

The games are Phantom Ball, Whack-a-Phantom and Candy Catch, so far. there is even a Candy Floss Machine! You can get free candy floss. Mmm...
I have to say that Phantom Ball gives you the most tickets. I got as many as over 200!

Some tickets I earned ^.^

Well Jammers, that's it for today. Oh, I almost forgot; all the Winter Themed items including the Snow Fort Den are gone. Strange how animal jam is, it goes straight from Winter to Summer. What about Spring?? I was born in Spring. :(
Ah well.
Until next time, 
Au revoir!