
Some Seriously Weird Glitches.....

And I mean it. It's CRAZY!!!                                      
1st of all: I got my daily gem bonus 3 times today!! 0.o
2nd: TONS of glitches!!!


3rd: I got 2 Jam-a-grams from AJ HQ about the imprisoned phantoms! There are even Non-member ones by a glitch!!

4th: 2 days ago I received a random 5000 gems from Animal Jam!! A note popped up onto the screen saying: "You have been granted 5000 Gems!"
I have a buddy who received 3500 gems! Lucky.... Unfortunately, when I logged on the next day, my gems were back to 1499 gems, and that was after I got my Daily Gem Bonus the THIRD TIME!!!
What do you think of this??
5th: The End Of Jamaa?
Jammers have been saying that the "Jamaapocalyse:" has begun. Whatever that is. I have attempted to research it, and here is the info I gained:(thanks to Snowdog900!)
* Remember when Animal Jam was out for 20 hours on Friday? Apparently Jammers call it the "Jamaapocalypse.)
*Because of all the glitches, many Jammers believe that Animal Jam is going to shut down, and they say all the weird happenings are " signs".

"End of Jamaa?"
Until I have any real proof, the warnings about Jamaa's end are either a rumor or a hoax. If you see anything like these, let me know. Stay focused, and most importantly,


  1. really, that didnt happen 2 me

  2. omaglob i cant believe the jam-apocalypse is upon us

  3. i had a glitch also! my friend had a panda (and shes a member) and we were hanging out together. then she put on a royal cape on her panda, and the royal cape became INSIDE-OUT! it was really wierd, and she and i laughed together a lot. maybe it will get fixed!

  4. can i say something? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and..... AHHHHHHHHHGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHJH! the jam apocalypse is upon us that is what i heard

  5. the jammaapocolypes thingy is creepy... like creepypasta

  6. Guys... what day was that on? If it was today... *gets logged off of aj* guys you do not wanna know whag happed.... 0 ... lemme geus your saying u wanna know
