

Sorry about that. It's just that I was on Animal Jam writing my daily Blog post, taking screenshots, when this seal whose username was sealy42 came up to my seal and started trading me a tiara for my heart locket. I was like, no way am I going to accept that trade. Smirking, I pressed decline. I walked away, and typed for a bit on my blog. When i went back on Animal Jam, there was the same trade again. I pressed the X button and took a screenshot. Again, the person traded me. I pressed X again. It went on like that for about a minute. Frustrated, I took the thing off trade. the person came up to me again and started talking to me asking me why I didn't accept the trades. Dude, if you're reading this, here's the reason why: I LIKE MY LOCKET AND I WOULDN'T PART WITH IT FOR A SCARY BAT WINGS!!!!!!! 
Hmm, on second thought, I probably would, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! 
I simply ignored the seal and went on taking pictures. She came up to me and asked if i liked her. Ookay, that was just plain SCARY!!! I don't even know her, and she's asking me if I LIKE HER?!? And i'm a girl!!!!!
Gross. This is why I randomly say in public, "I'm a girl," so that nobody will get any ideas! So what if my style makes my wolf look like a boy sometimes? MIND YER OWN BEESWAX!!
That's my message to all annoying Jammers out there. 
P.s. Sorry for all the colors and bold print and stuff, but when I get angry I get really mad. You can practically see steam coming out of my ears; I have a very bad temper and can't survive annoyingness. That's the worst torture you can give me.


  1. lol . btw, i have the same exact outfit! :D

  2. Tell me 'bout it. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I have to SHARE a room with the 3 of them. Annoyingness is MY LIFE! I can't wait till i'm out of this nutshell/

  3. Lol... that's why I never put my lockets on trade.

  4. i put rares on trade so if someone trades me i have another one of that sooooooo i have both XDDDDDDDD i looooove doing that

    username on animal jam is:charliekitty

  5. You know those ppl that wont leave your den no matter how much you ask, JUST CUZ THEY CAN? I hate them.

  6. wow i had that happen to me here u go!
    so i was playing with my friend and this girl comes up to me and she's all like HEY WANT TO BE BUDDIEZ?!?!?!? HEY WANT TO TRADE!?!?!??! HEY DO U LIKE ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
    ANOYING and im a girl geez
