

As from Thursday 26th April, I will not be coming online up to Friday 11th May.
Sorry about that. I promise I'll come on bright and early on Friday 11th. Thanks for understanding,
~ Daisy


23.04.12 - Rares Monday

Hi guys! It's me, Daisygal54. Todays rare Monday item is : Rare Spiked Hair!!
Yep. Another of those boooooring so-called "rares".
Here's a picture of it:

See you later guys!
~ Daisy


Late Update - 22.04.12

Hi guys! Sorry about the late update. it's just that I don't spend all my spare time on Animal Jam because my life does not depend on it. I will try to update at least twice a week if I can, or more frequently than that.
Here are the new things :





I was normally on AJ about like 5 secs ago when this person Nickitiger came up and said to my cousin ScatHachTheShadow and said, " hey, give me back my wings!!" As far as I know, (1) Infinity ( scathach) is NOT a scammer; she DESPISES Scammers so why should she be one??? (2) I was there the whole time and as long as I can remember, Scathach has had not onl;y just ONE pair of wings but TWO. (3) The person said that Ace97 is his/her (Pssh i'd call them an IT) brother. Yeah Sure.
I have proof that she didn't scam them : about a whole bunch of months ago she traded a Freedom Hat, elf bracelets, a jester hat for her 1st pair. For her second pair she traded a beta beard. i know this because she sent me an Email when she got it. Look!

Good News!

Mar 10
to me
I got another pair of Scary Bat Wings! For a beard ( brown) which I traded for a green royal,
 which I got in another trade for a leaf, which I got when my friend gave me her beta
accounts! I'm happy now!


The only thing I did was i removed her name for security issues but THERE IT IS!!!

The culprit is Nickitiger. Here is the proof:

See? My cousin is innocent!!! Please help me by reporting this horrible person!!


Tuesday 10th April 2012

Hi guys, it's me Daisy. Just an update on 2 things:
1.New item today: Underwater Pillar with Vase 
Hmm, seems the price of items seems to be going up. Hmm...

2. I just heard from another blog that Stallion1 is having a den party!! It is starting at 15:45 Eastern Standard Time. Be sure to be there! Until then


Rares Monday 09th April 2012

Hey animal jammers! It's me, Daisygal54. This is today's account for the new items.

1. Today's rare - a Rare Wizard Hat ( yes, again another "rare" item)

2. A new item - Underwater Potted plant. It came out yesterday and I forgot to post it, sorry!

The following announcement has to be made. This is for all of my blog's viewers.:- The voting poll for my new signature will be extended to Saturday,14th April, 2012. You have one more week to vote for my new signature. If you have any ideas, please email them to me. I'd love to hear from you and try out all your creative ideas. Until then....
See you guys later! Byeez!
~ Daisygal54


My new signature

   Hey animal Jammers! it's Daisy here. i am officially getting a new signature because my buddy XxFreespiritxX is deciding on letting me become an author on her blog Animal Jam Fiery. Come and decide what it should be by following these instructions and i will post the results tomorrow. If I can get over 5 ( yes, i know, it's horribly a small amount) votes then i will host a big Den party. The instructions are:
The signatures each have a number assigned to it. on the poll it will have the number/letter on it and you choose the one you think is the coolest.
Daisy out!
P.S. I will fix it if it looks to scrappy. this is just the first sketch.




So, which will it be? Until then, Jam on! ( Poll closes on Mon/9th Apr2012


An Apology and a Confession

This is my apology for not coming online as often as I  used to. If my cousin ScathachTheShadow, who comes online everyday without fail didn't tell you, here it is:

The scoop is that I was unable to come online because of studying for an upcoming test. I was also banned from animal jam for two weeks because my grades were slipping and parents decided to do something about it because after school, instead of studying, I'd usually go onto AJ for hours. I should've come online on Sunday April 1st, but i couldn't because my ban had been extended to an extra week. I also heard from certain sources which I have left unnamed, that many of my buddies deleted me just because I did not come online as frequently as i used to. It wasn't my fault, and I couldn't persuade my parents to let me go on until today. My ban actually ends tomorrow.
Please don't delete me if you didn't already. I can't control when or how long i come online but you should be happy that I still do! I mean, there's one of my now-former buddies with whom I was quite close, and at the end of March formed a blog. I don't know when or what day he/she (I'm not giving any hints about who it was) deleted me, but I certainly know why. the same sources informed me that the person deleted me just because i couldn't come online. However, later on when i asked the source about the details, the source told me that the Jammer, after the source told them why I couldn't come online, the unnamed Jammer replied, " Oh,  DX." 
DX is a makeshift emoticon which represents 'sad' or ' crying'. I am glad that the jammer still cares about me, and that I was his/her former friend, but I have had many buddies who weren't even as close as that one friend who haven't even deleted me since I became their friend, even when I didn't go online for about 4 months straight around the 2010 to 2011 period. 
Guys, please believe me, my story IS true. If you don't want to be my buddy anymore, that's fine with me but please do not unbuddy me just because of something i could not control. Once again, I'm sorry if I have hurt, humiliated or saddened anyone by this small paragraph. Thanks to all those good buddies who were still faithful to me. i guess that's all for now. see you on Aj.