
Rares Monday - 04th June, 2012.

    What's up, Animal Jammers? It's Daisygal54 here! Today is Rares Monday, and today's rare is (drumroll please!)........... RARE Star Cape??? 
That's it? Eh, Animal Jam is running out of ideas for items. Luckily, for people who have rares, I don't think they'll be selling real rares. Good. Nobody really takes on the new so-called 'rare' items anyways. Nobody, that is, but the newbies and wannabes. 
     Animal jam has no clue what a real rare is. Rares were what everybody wanted, which made it rare. If AJHQ makes a new 'rare' that no one wants, don't even bother to call it the name. I remember earlier this year, AJHQ sent out for the 2nd or 3rd rare (I can't remember which) and it was underwater Lionfish Armor, or something like that. However,I didn't know that was meant to be the rare because on the two occasions before, there were cool, good rares like the fox hat. At the time, everyone wanted it. So, I emailed AJHQ telling them that there wasn't a rare when later I got a reply saying, "But there WAS a rare! Rare doesn't necessarily mean something that was here before , but something that was never seen before!' 
What idiots. Go back to dictionary school, or something. 'Rare' means an item that is high in demand, but is low in stock. Which is how it got rare in the first place!! Duh. 
Well, bye guys.
P.s If you want to see the proof of how nobody knew the rare was Lionfish armor, click here:

http://daisygal54ajblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/my-bad.html <-- Here's when I found out that it was the lame Lionfish armor.

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