
Out With the Old, In With the New... (Plus code)

Hey, Jammers! this is just a simple update of the newest items in Jamaa and those on clearance.
First up:
New items in Claws n' Paws pet store in Appondale!
Clearance item
Clearance item
From Top Left: Flat Heated Rock, Snake Skin, Snake Habitat, Woven Basket, Snake mat.

                                                            New item in Jamaa Clothing 
                                                                 Store; Sun Necklace.

New item

Clearance item
Next: clearance items: Seaweed hair, Scuba Tank and yes, Homemade Wings are still on Clearance. Gotta stock up on those :). I guess that's all for now, folks. 
Oh wait, don't go. I almost forgot. the new code is NGKIDSROX . This code gives you free 1,000 gems W00t W00t! Okay, now I'm done. See ya later and spend those gems wisely! 

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