
Back-in-Time Glitch?

I was on AJ just playing around, looking for glitches, the usual. I went underwater only to find that my seal, which I had recycled yesterday was back. I had recycled my old seal , "Gorgeous Daisybelle", (yuck, what a sappy name,) because she was actually a seal I had made randomly. I had pressed the random button , and that's how her name came up. Anywho, I changed the seal to 'Awesome Wingedseal', a way cooler name. When I went underwater today, my seal had changed back to Gorgeous Daisybelle, ugh! I had to go back on land, recycle my old seal, then buy a new one for 1000 gems, and dress it because I hate it when my animals are naked; it makes people think I'm a newbie. If, AJ didn't fix the glitch two days ago when it went offline ( for the second time, I should mention) then what was the purpose of it? Please comment and feel free to share your ideas. 
P.s. You can see when my seal changed back at my post for the first Journey book cheat.

1 comment:

  1. If Only There Were A Glitch That Would Duplicate Items :) 1000000 Bows , Leaf Clover Blankets (In All Colours)And Everything...
