

Royal Blankets are here! they came out this morning. Here's a picture of the one in the stores.
Name: Royal Blanket
Colors: Red and white, green, white and red, blue, cream and beige, orange, purple and pink. 
Cost: 400 gems
Status: Member

Have fun with your new Royal Blankets! 


Giraffes Are Here!

My giraffe; Incredible Magicmoon
Hey guys, sorry i'm kinda late for this update. Giraffes are the new animal in Jamaa, and now they're out! Did you know that when baby giraffes are born, they fall 6 feet to the ground? And they are the tallest animals in the world, and can grow up to 18 feet tall! And in Jamaa, they shuffle! XD 
Unfortunately, only members can access these neat animals, but who knows, maybe they're the animal that will be available to all Jammers! 

Speaking of which, have you seen this week's                newspaper? It's very informative and interesting.( Click to enlarge.)

 There's a new party - Bunnies Only Party! Head on over for some hoppin' good fun! XD

 Now, in May's monthly gift, Phantom Invasion, there are new Phantom Toys! Only 10 gems a chance! ( Err, it's still pretty expensive...)
Ocean contest winner - Some guy called Awesome Speedywolf. Congratulations! The Ocean Den item is a Rocking seahorse! Who would'a thought of that?! I think it's a great idea.
 Animal Jam's first ever Summer Carnival will be here soon!! There will be new games, new prizes, new activites, and lots of FUN all summer long!
 AJHQ says that they have heard rumors that one of the animals in Jamaa will become available to all Jammers! Yay! ( Still, they can't have heard rumors since they're the ones in charge of Animal Jam o.0)
Some more fake 'rares' from Animal Jam. UGH this is annoying!( although, to be honest, the Rare Spiked Wristband IS rare...) Hmm.. i wonder if they'll bring one of those for the next Rares Monday.

Lastly, Coral Canyons has a new journey book! i'll post the cheats soon, but until then, here's a teeny helpful hint.

Hope this helped, guys. Remember to Jam On!







Rares Monday - Monday 21st May 2012

Hey Jammers! This is today's Rares Monday Item:
Name: Rare Mech Angel Wings
Shop: Jamaa Clothing Store
Cost: 750 gems
Color: Orange
Type: Non-member!!

Enjoy these fantastic orange non-member wings!



Sorry about that. It's just that I was on Animal Jam writing my daily Blog post, taking screenshots, when this seal whose username was sealy42 came up to my seal and started trading me a tiara for my heart locket. I was like, no way am I going to accept that trade. Smirking, I pressed decline. I walked away, and typed for a bit on my blog. When i went back on Animal Jam, there was the same trade again. I pressed the X button and took a screenshot. Again, the person traded me. I pressed X again. It went on like that for about a minute. Frustrated, I took the thing off trade. the person came up to me again and started talking to me asking me why I didn't accept the trades. Dude, if you're reading this, here's the reason why: I LIKE MY LOCKET AND I WOULDN'T PART WITH IT FOR A SCARY BAT WINGS!!!!!!! 
Hmm, on second thought, I probably would, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!! 
I simply ignored the seal and went on taking pictures. She came up to me and asked if i liked her. Ookay, that was just plain SCARY!!! I don't even know her, and she's asking me if I LIKE HER?!? And i'm a girl!!!!!
Gross. This is why I randomly say in public, "I'm a girl," so that nobody will get any ideas! So what if my style makes my wolf look like a boy sometimes? MIND YER OWN BEESWAX!!
That's my message to all annoying Jammers out there. 
P.s. Sorry for all the colors and bold print and stuff, but when I get angry I get really mad. You can practically see steam coming out of my ears; I have a very bad temper and can't survive annoyingness. That's the worst torture you can give me.

Out With the Old, In With the New... (Plus code)

Hey, Jammers! this is just a simple update of the newest items in Jamaa and those on clearance.
First up:
New items in Claws n' Paws pet store in Appondale!
Clearance item
Clearance item
From Top Left: Flat Heated Rock, Snake Skin, Snake Habitat, Woven Basket, Snake mat.

                                                            New item in Jamaa Clothing 
                                                                 Store; Sun Necklace.

New item

Clearance item
Next: clearance items: Seaweed hair, Scuba Tank and yes, Homemade Wings are still on Clearance. Gotta stock up on those :). I guess that's all for now, folks. 
Oh wait, don't go. I almost forgot. the new code is NGKIDSROX . This code gives you free 1,000 gems W00t W00t! Okay, now I'm done. See ya later and spend those gems wisely! 


New Code!

Hey, Jammers! it's me again, for about the fourth time today.( Wow, i really meant it when I said I'd be posting frequently!) AJHQ has finally listened to the non-Members' cry for justice: There's a new code which gives you 1000 gems and access to a free imprisoned phantoms! FINALLY!!!! THANK YOU AJ!! AT LAST!! :P That took a while for animal jam to notice that non-members didn't have access to it. 
Here's what the postcard looks like:

 And the two gifts!

Gems + Phantoms.
Great isn't it? Hurry, because this code works only up to May 31, 2012.


Journey Book Cheats #2 - Crystal Reef

Second Journey Book Cheat - Crystal Reef.


 ....And the prize when you finish: A Pufferfish Plushie!
Isn't that neat?
Hope this was helpful!

Back-in-Time Glitch?

I was on AJ just playing around, looking for glitches, the usual. I went underwater only to find that my seal, which I had recycled yesterday was back. I had recycled my old seal , "Gorgeous Daisybelle", (yuck, what a sappy name,) because she was actually a seal I had made randomly. I had pressed the random button , and that's how her name came up. Anywho, I changed the seal to 'Awesome Wingedseal', a way cooler name. When I went underwater today, my seal had changed back to Gorgeous Daisybelle, ugh! I had to go back on land, recycle my old seal, then buy a new one for 1000 gems, and dress it because I hate it when my animals are naked; it makes people think I'm a newbie. If, AJ didn't fix the glitch two days ago when it went offline ( for the second time, I should mention) then what was the purpose of it? Please comment and feel free to share your ideas. 
P.s. You can see when my seal changed back at my post for the first Journey book cheat.

Journey Book Cheats #1 - Bahari Bay

Hey Jammers! Sorry for taking so long, but since I have some spare time, i thought I'd do the Journey Book Cheats. Here's The First one: Bahari Bay!

Moray Eel



When you finish: Here's The prize!!

Note: the Elephant seal picture came out the worst because I mistimed it. Part of the word 'elephant' is also missing because of the same reason, and only after I took the photo did I realise that my nametag was blocking the Elephant Seal's head (LOL sorry!) 

Hope this helped!


Rares Monday Item: Rare Mech Angel Helmet

The title says it all.
Name: Rare Mech Angel Helmet
Status: Member
Cost: 800 gems
Color: Orange
Shop: Jam Mart Clothing Store

Hope this helped!

Some Seriously Weird Glitches.....

And I mean it. It's CRAZY!!!                                      
1st of all: I got my daily gem bonus 3 times today!! 0.o
2nd: TONS of glitches!!!


3rd: I got 2 Jam-a-grams from AJ HQ about the imprisoned phantoms! There are even Non-member ones by a glitch!!

4th: 2 days ago I received a random 5000 gems from Animal Jam!! A note popped up onto the screen saying: "You have been granted 5000 Gems!"
I have a buddy who received 3500 gems! Lucky.... Unfortunately, when I logged on the next day, my gems were back to 1499 gems, and that was after I got my Daily Gem Bonus the THIRD TIME!!!
What do you think of this??
5th: The End Of Jamaa?
Jammers have been saying that the "Jamaapocalyse:" has begun. Whatever that is. I have attempted to research it, and here is the info I gained:(thanks to Snowdog900!)
* Remember when Animal Jam was out for 20 hours on Friday? Apparently Jammers call it the "Jamaapocalypse.)
*Because of all the glitches, many Jammers believe that Animal Jam is going to shut down, and they say all the weird happenings are " signs".

"End of Jamaa?"
Until I have any real proof, the warnings about Jamaa's end are either a rumor or a hoax. If you see anything like these, let me know. Stay focused, and most importantly,