
Mean Jammers

       People, why be mean to innocent jammers? If someone makes a mistake you do not have to hold it against them for the rest of their lives!! Just as many of you have, I have met many people who call me ''mean'' or ''scammer''. People, if for example somebody trades you something, but you know that it is not a good trade, DO NOT ACCEPT, even if it is to your advantage. This is for your OWN GOOD. The person may call you a scammer because they just don't know what's right from what is just plain wrong. Technically, it would be ''legal'' in a way in view of that it's trading, not sending, and each person has the freedom to chose to accept or decline. Anyways, enough said. Here are a few mean jammers who decided to talk without thinking instead of biting their tongues ( sorry if I sound mean or rude but I'm in a pretty bad mood right now...):
Bluestella ( She said that a party i tried to host was boring. She was also rude to me.)
Weezypop871939 ( She said that I was mean and an unfair trader just because I did not accept a trade)
Weezypop871939's Profile On Animal Jam

Guys, if any of you think I was unfair or was wrong about putting someone's name up here, let me know. I think I was fair in this. Have you got any names of mean people? Comment and follow, but most importantly, 
~ Daisy

1 comment:

  1. Go Daisy! LOL

    ~Wolves900 (Aj user) / M and Ms (google user)
