
What's Up Today - 16/03/12

First of all:
New items on clearance!!
The following items are currently on clearance:
Elf Bracelets are on Clearance!!

Unicorn Horns are on Clearance

Angel Wings are on Clearance
The clam chair and clam table are on clearance

The barrel Sponge is on clearance
Remember: These items, once gone, will not be back for at least 5 - 7 months. Once it leaves, it WILL become rare. All the items that people have bought will be the only items in circulation. So guys, buy as many as you possibly can!! :)

Second on list:
New items: Clover Balloons
Clover Balloons are officially out!

Thirdly, there is a new place: Dr. Tierny Thy's Laboratory. Check it out today!


Today's Rare (Monday/12/03/12)

The rare for today is.................
Viking Helmet!! yes! the viking helmet you guys all know and love! Pick yours up at the Jamaa clothing Store today!!(Seems to me Animal Jam has finally become aware of what is actually rare!)


Big Announcement: Den Parties Every Friday!!

I am having den parties every Friday!! Jam on! ` Daisy

Mean Jammers

       People, why be mean to innocent jammers? If someone makes a mistake you do not have to hold it against them for the rest of their lives!! Just as many of you have, I have met many people who call me ''mean'' or ''scammer''. People, if for example somebody trades you something, but you know that it is not a good trade, DO NOT ACCEPT, even if it is to your advantage. This is for your OWN GOOD. The person may call you a scammer because they just don't know what's right from what is just plain wrong. Technically, it would be ''legal'' in a way in view of that it's trading, not sending, and each person has the freedom to chose to accept or decline. Anyways, enough said. Here are a few mean jammers who decided to talk without thinking instead of biting their tongues ( sorry if I sound mean or rude but I'm in a pretty bad mood right now...):
Bluestella ( She said that a party i tried to host was boring. She was also rude to me.)
Weezypop871939 ( She said that I was mean and an unfair trader just because I did not accept a trade)
Weezypop871939's Profile On Animal Jam

Guys, if any of you think I was unfair or was wrong about putting someone's name up here, let me know. I think I was fair in this. Have you got any names of mean people? Comment and follow, but most importantly, 
~ Daisy


New Den Catalog Items

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. My mother blocked AJ so I can barely come on. She says I have to focus more on schoolwork and WHATEVER.Anyways, here it is!!! 
The new page of new items in the den items catalog:

That's all for now, folks! ~Daisy


Rares Monday - 5/03/12

Rares Monday today!!!!! For those of you who don't feel like looking and hunting for the item, it's in the Shiveer Shoppe.

remember, it's only here for the day! So pick up your Scary Cat Hat today!!


An Interview with ScathachTheShadow - Part 1

This is an interview with ScathachTheShadow :
Me: Hello Infinity.
ScatHachTheShadow: Hello Jammers! I'm ScathachTheShadow!
Me: So infinity, how long have you been on animal jam?
ShTS: I have many accounts, and on Ferciegal101 I was a beta tester!
Me : How was the beta period?
ShTS : It was awesome. *laughs*
Me : Cool.
ShTS: Yeah, it was.And so am I.
Me: Do you know anyone else from the beta period/
ShTS: Yes, Alyssum.
Me: Do you think animal Jam has changed a lot?
ShTS: Yes! It has changed quite a lot!
Me: Is there anything you want to say to jammers out there?
ShTS: Hmm. that's a hard one. I'd say,"Don't let scammers get you down!"
Me: Anything else?
ShTS: I'm having parties in my den every Friday and Saturday! :)
Me: Who are invited?
ShTS: Everyone. Except for scammers, of course.
Me: You seem to have a very strong hatred for scammers. Have you ever encountered one before?
ShTS: many. Too many.
Me: So, Infinity, what should one do if they met a scammer?
ShTS: They should try to take a picture, not fall for it.

This will be continued in part 2.

How to earn Gems Quickly

Need Gems in a rush?
Need gems in a rush? Try this:
* Play Best Dressed for as long as you possibly can.( My cousin and my record if about 3 hours..) Play as much as you can now, because the 2x Bonus is on it, so hurry before it goes onto another game.
*Beat Hard on Pest Control, then go on Endless. Once you are in a stable position, sit back and RELAX!



Happy New Month! As you already know, St. Patrick's Day is in March.
Animal Jam has already started preparing for it; they call it Lucky Day.
1st :Tail armor is the new Monthly Gift!

Yes, That's right, jammers! The rare and unknown tail armor is now the monthly gift,
which is, unfortunately, for members.
Ah well.

2nd : Clothing store
Hat and Curly Wigs are now on Clearance, and now Lepracaun Hats are selling!

Hurry and get your Hat and Curly wigs before they're GONE.

Den items
There are two new den items : Ice -Cube chair and Snowflake Table

3rd : Last day of Leap Year Party! Make sure to stock up on all the rares, and members, please help the non-members!

4th : Mt. shiveer has a new journey book! I will be posting the cheats for that later on.
Until then, Jam On!   -Daisygal54